
Monday, September 30, 2019

Citation and Organizational Structure Essay

Many Americans have questioned whether fighting a full-scale war against China or a war of containment was the best policy for fighting the Korean War. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research how Truman and MacArthur differed over strategy in fighting the Korean War. After analyzing each position, determine whether Truman or MacArthur had the best strategy. In an essay of approximately 350-400 words: †¢ State why you believe Truman or MacArthur had the best strategy in fighting the Korean War. †¢ Give your reasons and arguments for the position you have chosen and make your arguments as convincing as possible. Does it appear to you that either strategy is based upon biblical principles? In what way and which principles are given expression by the policy or strategy? __________________ Remember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling when typing your essay. Remember, all projects must follow the Academy’s guidelines concerning plagiarism and MLA formatting for the citation of sources. Source citation will be graded based on the following: †¢ Did the student include parenthetical citations within the body of his/her report any time he/she summarized or quoted a source? Are the parenthetical citations in proper format (MLA)? †¢ Is the works cited page in proper format (MLA)? Because it is very important to avoid even unintentional copying, any project submitted without a works cited page (when one is necessary) will be returned to you in order for you to add it. You will then need to resubmit the project for grading after you have added the works cited page. You can refer to the Academy’s document on MLA format, found on the Academy’s online resource center – www. aoacademy. com/resources, for additional assistance. Notice Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for any Academy project and may not be used. Contributors to Wikipedia sometimes plagiarize other sources or submit erroneous information. Be sure to use primary sources and cite your sources in accepted MLA (Modern Language Association) format. Go to â€Å"Citing Sources† in our online Resource Center for help. Projects will be graded according to a rubric which measures six important traits essential to good writing. Your teacher will use the rubric below to score aspects of each trait giving a best score of 5, or a lowest score of 1, or something in between. Once your teacher has scored each trait he/she will convert rubric scores to the Academy grade scale. Please study the chart below so to understand how to improve your writing and your project scores. Six Traits + 1 Rubric |Trait |5 |3 |1 | |Ideas: The main message of the |This paper is clear and focused. It |The writer is beginning to define |The paper has no clear sense of | |piece, the topic, with supporting |holds the reader’s attention. the topic, even though development |purpose or central theme. The | |details that enrich and develop that|Relevant anecdotes and details enrich|is still basic or general. |reader must make inferences based | |topic. |the central theme. | |on sketchy or missing details. | | | | | | | |1. The paper is on the topic |1. The writer strays off topic |1. The writer has not written on | | |assigned, or one of the options, and |2. Support with details is |the assigned topic or options | | |focused. |attempted. |given. | | |2. Relevant, quality details go |3. Writer has difficulty going from|2. Information is unclear or the | | |beyond the obvious. |general observations about the |length is not adequate for | | |3. Writing from knowledge or |topic to specifics. |development. | | |experience; ideas are fresh and |4. The reader is left with |3. Simply a restatement of the | | |original. |questions. |instructions. | | |4. Reader’s questions are anticipated| |4. The writing may be dis- | | |and answered. |connected, repetitious, and include| | | | |random thoughts. | | | | |Student did not comply to teacher | | | | |request for changes. | |Organization: The internal |The organizational structure of this |The organizational structure is The writing lacks a clear sense of | |structure, thread of central |paper enhances and showcases the |strong enough to move the reader |direction | |meaning, logical, and sometimes |central idea or theme of the paper. |through the text without too much | | |intriguing pattern or sequence of | |confusion. |1. No real lead or conclusion | |ideas. |1. An introduction draws the reader | |present. | | |in; a conclusion leaves the reader |1. The paper has a recognizable |2. Connections between ideas, if | | |with a sense of closure and |introduction and conclusion. |present, are confusing. | | |resolution. |2. Transitions sometimes work. |3. Sequencing needs work. | | |2. Thoughtful transitions connect |3. Sequencing shows some logic, yet|4. Problems with organizational | | |ideas. |structure takes attention away from|structure make it hard for the | | |3. Sequencing is logical and |the content. |reader to get a grip on the main | | |effective. |4. Organizational structure |point or story line. Little or no | | |4. Organizational structure is |sometimes supports the main point |evidence of paragraphing present. | | |appropriate for purpose/audience; |or story line, with an attempt at |Student did not comply to teacher | | |paragraphing is effective. |paragraphing. request for changes. | |Voice: The unique perspective of the|The writer of this paper speaks |The writer seems sincere, but not |The writer seems uninvolved with | |writer evident in the piece; or |directly to the reader in a manner |fully engaged or involved. The |the topic, disinterested in the | |sustained use of the voice or |that is individual, engaging, and |result is passable, but not well |audience, and oblivious of the | |perspective called for in the |respectful for the audience. |focused on the audience. |instructions. | |instructions. | | | | |1. Purpose is reflec ted by content |1. Attempts to include content and |1. Purpose is unclear. | | |and arrangement of ideas. |arrangement of ideas to reflect |2. Expository or persuasive writing| | |2. Expository or persuasive writing |purpose. |is mechanical, showing no | | |reflects understanding and commitment|2. Expository or persuasive writing|engagement with the topic. | |to topic. |lacks consistent engagement with |3. Narrative writing lacks | | |3. Narrative writing is honest, |topic. |development of a point of view. | | |personal, and engaging. |3. Narrative writing reflects |. 4. Made no attempt to write from | | |4. Clearly the voice asked for in the|limited individual perspective. |the assigned perspective or voice. | | |instructions, e. g. biblical |4. Made an attempt to adopt the |Student did not comply to teacher | | |character, historical character, |voice asked for in the instructions|request for changes | | |reporter on assignment. |but did not sustain it. | | |Word Choice: The use of rich, |Words convey the intended message in |The language is functional, even if|The writer struggles with a limited| |colorful, and precise language that |a precise, interesting, and natural |it lacks much energy. |vocabulary. |moves and enlightens the reader. |way. | | | | | | | | | |1. Words are specific and accurate. |1. Words are adequate and correct |1. Words are nonspecific or | | |2. Natural, effective, and |in a general sense. |distracting. | | |appropriate language. |2. Familiar words and phrases |2. Many of the words don’t work. | | |3. Lively verbs, specific nouns, and |communicate. |3. Limited vocabulary, misuse of | | |modifiers. |3. Passive verbs, everyday nouns, |parts of speech. | | |4. Language enhances and clarifies |mundane modifiers. |4. Language is unimaginative and | | |meaning. |4. Language functions, with one or |lifeless, redundancy. | | | |two fine moments. Student did not comply to teacher | | | | |request for changes. | |Sentence Fluency: The flow of the |The writing has an easy flow, rhythm,|The text usually hums along with a |The reader has to practice quite a | |language, the way in which the |and cadence. Sentences are |steady beat, but has sections which|bit in order to give this paper a | |writing plays to the ear, not just |well-constructed. |throw off the reader. |fair interpretive reading. | |the eye. | | | | | |1. Sentences get the job done in a |1. Sentences are choppy, | | |1. Sentences enhance the meaning. |routine fashion. |incomplete, ramb ling, or awkward. | | |2. Sentences vary in length as well |2. Sentences are usually of similar|Phrasing does not sound natural. | | |as structure. |length, yet constructed correctly. 2. No â€Å"sentence sense† is present. | | |3. Purposeful and varied sentence |3. Sentence beginnings are somewhat|3. Sentences begin the same way. | | |beginnings. |varied. |4. Endless connectives, if any | | |4. Creative and appropriate |4. The reader sometimes has to hunt|present. | | |connectives. |for connective clues. |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | |request for changes. |Conventions: The mechanical |The writer demonstrates a good grasp |The writer shows reasonable control|Errors in spelling, punctuation, | |correctness of the piece; spelling, |of standard writing conventions |over a limited range of standard |capitalization, usage, and grammar | |punctuation, capitalization, grammar|(e. g. , spelling, punctuation, |writing conventions. |and/or paragraphing repeatedly | |usage , and paragraphing. |capitalization, grammar usage, | |distract the reader and make text | | |paragraphing). 1. Spelling is usually correct or |difficult to read. | | | |reasonably phonetic. | | | |1. Spelling is generally correct. |2. End punctuation is usually |1. Spelling errors are frequent. | | |2. Punctuation is accurate. |correct. |2. Punctuation is missing or | | |3. Capitalization skills are present. |3. Most capitalized words are |incorrect. | |4. Grammar and usage are correct. |correct. |3. Capitalization is random. | | |5. Paragraphing tends to be sound. |4. Problems with grammar and usage |4. Obvious grammar or usage errors. | | | |are not serious. |5. Paragraphing is missing. | | | |5. Paragraphing is attempted. |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | request for changes. | |Presentation: |The project is clean, has all |May be some problems in the |Errors in formatting create a | |The look of the paper, proper use of|directions included, and MLA format |formatting. |confusing paper that distracts the | |MLA formatting when necessary, |was used correctly if needed. | |reader. | |correct titling and inclusion of | |1. Project directions are included,| | |project instructions |1. Project directions precede the |but not placed correctly. |1. Project directions are missing | | |project. |2. There are some problems with |or incomplete. | | |2. Spacing is uniform and font is |font or spacing. |2. Spacing and font are not | | |Times New Roman or Arial 12 point. |3. For multimedia, the visuals are |standard. | | |3. In a multimedia project, uses of |somewhat unclear or distracting. |3. Visuals in a multimedia project | | |visuals are integrated without |4. In those projects for which |are confusing and substandard. | | |distraction. |outside sources were used, MLA |4. Works cited page and/or | | |4. Correctly formatted citations and |formatting is mostly correct. There|parenthetical citations for those | | |works cited when outside sources were|may be some components missing or |projects where necessary are | | |used. improperly formatted. |missing or incorrect. | | | | |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | |request for changes. | *0 – Not a valid attempt. Student did not make the changes recommended by the teacher. _______________ Paste the document you created and saved on your word processor below:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Forecasting Monthly Sales Essay

Background For years The Glass Slipper restaurant has operated in a resort community near a popular ski area of New Mexico. The restaurant is busiest during the first 3 months of the year, when the ski slopes are crowded and tourists flock to the area. When James and Deena Weltee built The Glass Slipper, they had a vision of the ultimate dining experience. As the view of surrounding mountains was breathtaking, a high priority was placed on having large windows and providing a spectacular view from anywhere inside the restaurant. Special attention was also given to the lighting, colors, and overall ambiance, resulting in a truly magnificent experience for all who came to enjoy gourmet dining. Since its opening, The Glass Slipper has developed and maintained a reputation as one of the â€Å"must visit† places in that region of New Mexico. While James loves to ski and truly appreciates the mountains and all that they have to offer, he also shares Deena’s dream of retiring to a tropical paradise and enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle on the beach. After some careful analysis their financial condition, they knew that retirement was many years away. Nevertheless, they were hatching a plan to bring them closer to their dream. They decided to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a beautiful beach in Mexico. While this would mean that work was still in their future, they could wake up in the morning to the sight of the palm trees blowing in the wind and the waves lapping at the shore. They also knew that hiring the right manager would allow James and Deena the time to begin a semi-retirement in a corner of paradise. To make this happen, James and Deena would have to sell The Glass Slipper for the right price. The price of the business would be based on  the value of the property and equipment, as we ll as projections of future income. Problem Statement James and Deena are currently the owners of The Glass Slipper, a popular ski resort in New Mexico. Their dream is to retire and move to a more tropical location. While they understand that full retirement is not an option at this point, they are willing to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a Mexico beach which affords them a semi-retirement option for their near future plans. In order for them to have enough profit from the sale to complete their intended lifestyle transition, they are requiring the sale price to include property and equipment as well as future sales projections. Using data from the previous three years, a projection of the following year’s data will be made and evaluated. Data Monthly Revenue (In $1,000’s) Problems 1. Prepare a graph of the data. On this same graph, plot a 12-month moving average forecast. Discuss any apparent trend and seasonal patterns. The seasonal pattern shows that through the summer and fall there is reduced sales revenue that can be attributed to the lack of snow covering the resort area, but still being a location people like to visit. As the snow accumulation increases starting in late fall, sales begin to pick up and reach the maximum levels in the early part of the years during January. Sales remain high during this winter time frame until significant decreases in the spring through fall months. 2. Use regression to develop a trend line that could be used to forecast monthly sales for the next year. Is the slope of this line consistent with what you observed in question 1? If not, discuss a possible explanation. The trend line that could be used is Y = 330.889 – 1.162 * Time. The slope of this trend line is negative and not consistent with what was observed in question 1. Fluctuations in the seasonal indices, specifically January and  February, are affecting the unadjusted data and creating a negative slope trend. 3. Use the multiplicative decomposition model on these data. Use this model to forecast sales for each month of the next year. Discuss why the slope of the trend equation with this model is so different from that of the trend equation in question 2. Table 1.1 The sales forecast for the next year is shown in the Adjusted Forecast column of Table 1.1. Trend line data for the multiplicative decomposition model is Y = 294.524 + .86 * Time. The reason for the trend line difference from question 2 is that when you use the decomposition method, you are taking into account seasonal indices that are used in the computation to deseasonalize the data for a more accurate determination of predicted sales. Utilizing this model is more likely to produce a more accurate forecast for James and Deena in order to set their selling price.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis Of The Indian Jewellery Industry

Analysis Of The Indian Jewellery Industry Role in Indian Economy The Gems and Jewellery (G it is also the processes 90% of the diamonds by pieces (55 percent by value of the global market) – largest consumer. The Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is responsible for sustaining the new initiatives in the sector(Public enterprise). The industry holds prominent significance as it is a net exporter and provides employment to 1.3 million people directly and indirectly. India is also emerging as the world’s largest trading centre for gold targeting US$ 16 billion by 2010. GJ market contributes 16 per cent of total exports, making it a significant foreign exchange earner for the country. Growth Potential Jewellery Retail Sourcing from the skill to the ability to innovate and develop. Currently, India’s G&J industry is highly unorganized and fragmented with 96 percent of the total players being family owned businesses. The gold processing industry has around 15,000 players, with only 80 having revenues over USD 5 million. India is also home to around 450,000 goldsmiths, 100,000 gold jewelers along with 6,000 diamond processing players and 8,000 diamond jewelers. Consumers have started shifting towards branded jewelery, which offers higher quality and saves the consumers from unfair trade practices in the industry. The emergence of jewelry retail chains provide customers with convenience and assurance of quality. The organized gems and jewellery sector is expected to progress with a good pace in near future, and should hopefully account for nearly 8% of the total gems and jewellery market by 2009-10. The Branded jewellery segment is also expected to have a high growth rate. The key drivers for the industry growth are raising disposable income, conscious marketing efforts, rising young population with urge to spend and jewellery being increasingly regarded as fashion accessory. The entry of foreign players is also likely to increase competition and provide consumers with g reater choice. As Indian gem and jewelry exports have grown to $17 billion, the industry has witnessed an annual average growth rate of about 15-20 percent. EXPORTS The gems and jewellery industry provides a shining example of achieving international competitiveness. The bulk of the Indian GJ exports comprises import of rough diamonds, their cutting and polishing in India, and re-export. CPDs(Cut-Polished-Diamonds) accounted for 71.1% of India’s GJ exports during FY2006, followed by gold jewellery (23.2%), rough diamonds (3.4%), coloured gemstones (1.4%), and non-gold jewellery (0.9%). Thus, these two items-CPDs and gold jewellery- accountrd for around 96% of India’s GJ exports.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Interdiction for experiments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interdiction for experiments - Assignment Example A conventional cell culture media generally consist of vitamins, glucose, well balanced amino acids, serum as a source of growth factors, hormones as energy source for the regulation of cell cycle (Waymouth, 1972). Osmolality and pH are the other two aspects which govern the environment of cell culture. pH 7.4 has been proved as the optimum pH to grow mammalian cells in culture. Although small deviations exist. The culture medium acts as a buffer and inhibits the pH change. As bicarbonate and dissolved CO2 has an impact on the pH of the medium, atmospheric CO2 also plays a crucial role in maintaining the pH of the medium. Therefore CO2 is used form a exogenous source and in the incubator it is generally maintained at 5%. For most of the culture conditions the temperature is maintained at 37Â °C for normal growth of the culture cells. Finally, osmolality is maintained in culture condition since at 37Â °C the culture media can be evaporated. Hence to prevent the evaporation of the cu lture media, humidifying condition is maintained by keeping water in the incubator. A failure in controlling the culture environment leads to contamination of culture, unhealthy cells, more apoptotic cells and other abnormal morphologies (Waymouth, 1970). What is the fluorescence-activated cell sorting, why it is important? Flow cytometry or fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) is generally used to examine the microscopic particles like cells. First the cells are suspended in a fluid and then a stream of fluid containing the cell suspension is passed over a laser beam. This results in light scattering and fluorescence emission. The next step is the filtration and collection of the scattered and emitted lights which are then converted to digital signals. These signals are then analyzed by appropriate software. Thus the fundamental basics of flow cytometry comprises of fluidics (cell suspension and the hydrodynamic focusing of the fluid), optics (laser beam, light scattering and fluorescence emission) and electronics (conversion to digital values and output through computer). By FACS one can analyze multiparametric physical and chemical behavior of cells. It allows the analysis of thousands of particle in a second. The stream of fluid is hydrodynamically focused and the beam of light usually a laser is pointed towards the stream of fluid. Two different types of detectors are placed to detect the scattered light. One is in line with the laser beam known as forward scatter (FSC) and many detectors are in perpendicular with the laser known as side scatter (SSC). FSC is attributed to the size of the particle where as the SSC refers to the granularity that is the internal complexity of the particle (Ormerod 2000). Fluorescence-activated cell sorter is generally used in biomedical science which includes the fields like pathology, transplantation, hematology, immunology, molecular biology, signal transduction. Various parameters can be ascertained by FACS. Some of which are- cell cycle and tumor ploidy (El-Naggar 2004), immunophenotyping, ion flux, membrane potential, intracellular protein staining, cell proliferation, pH changes (Rabinovitch and June 2000), cell viability, cell sorting, chromatin structure, redox state, total protein, lipids, surface charge, enzyme activity, gene expression and DNA degradation (Darzynkiewicz et al 1997) What is the Immunoprecipitation Immunoprecipitati

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why I should be considered for master degree program Essay

Why I should be considered for master degree program - Essay Example I have always been a very good student getting positions and certificates. My teachers and professors always considered me a student worthy of reward. Thanks to the interest and hard work I put in, I happened to get an internship which helped me in getting acquainted with the work field. The duration of the internship was more than one year. I have also attended some training courses as well. Now, I want to enhance my knowledge regarding business through admission in masters program in business administration. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the business industry and contribute to the financial market. I keep myself updated with market requirements. I keep on reading related journals, books and magazines, and attend related seminars being held in my vicinity. I feel that I possess those special skills needed to fulfill the requirements for this course. I have always come up fresh, innovative and unique ideas. I have learnt basic computer knowledge and softwares, so as to equip myself with the latest technology that may help me in excelling in this course. I also possess the ability of synchronizing and connecting together the thoughts of the teacher and the student in a successful way. I have always thought about bringing my knowledge into use that I gained during my college. This enthusiasm is what pulls me to apply for this MBA degree. I am also interested in various aspects of business, like ethical leadership and conflict management. I believe that a leader must be able to resolve conflicts with efficiency. He must be ethical in his decisions and ideas. It is also important to stay in ethical boundaries while dealing with partners, shareholders, buyers, suppliers, and especially, the customers. I believe that customers are the most important asset of a business. I want to gain further

H Azeem company analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

H Azeem company analysis - Assignment Example Table of Contents Executive summary 0 Table of Contents 0 INTRODUCTION 1 CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION 2 Introduction of the organization 2 Choice Of Organization 3 BUSINESS BEHAVIOUR OF STAKEHOLDERS 5 Theories and frameworks in the small business management 5 Reasons of Small businesses to survive and prosper 7 Marketing Mix 9 ANALYSIS OF H AZEEM BUSINESS STRATEGY 11 Development of personal relationships 12 Flexible response to problems & challenges 12 Innovation 13 Low overheads 13 Niche markets 13 Marketing Mix 14 COMPARISON WITH COMPETITORS 15 Conclusions 16 Task B: Reflection on learning 16 References 17 INTRODUCTION There is a very famous German proverb stating that no one is rich or poor without helping himself to be in that position. That is one is to blame himself in what financial situation he may be. It is these kind of words that become a motivational factor for one person to start off of a small business and later on become an entrepreneur (Goel, Sanjay and Karri, Ranjan. 2006) . Some people start of their journey of becoming an entrepreneur by seeking a job which helps them to understand the ways a business is run and determine the factors that are crucial in the success of a business. Other may start up a business of their own and then learn from their mistakes. Many believe that small businesses may have some development issues but at the same time most of the people believe and it’s a proven fact that small business play a pivotal role in the development of the society and economy of a country (Aldrich, H.E., & Auster E.R. 1986). This report goes about in three steps. First, the introduction of H Azeem Jewelry, its basic information along with why was it chosen as an example. In the second step an analysis is carried out regarding the behavior of its stakeholders with respect to theoretical and practical ideas. Lastly, H Azeem is compared with its competitors and a reflection of where and why it stand at its current position is described. CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION Introduction of the organization H Azeem is a London based jewelry brand, It is managed by the designer, Hinna Azeem, herself and her aim is to introduce luxurious and stylish jewelry to the community at a cheap price. As they is a large Indian and Pakistani community nearby, who love to wear jewelry on every occasion, providing it on a cheap price gives her an advantage. Her luxurious and stylish designs give the business and brand an added value. H Azeem using both traditional and technological methods when it comes to marketing and sales, that is, jewelry can be bought through retailer shops and also through her e-store online. This also gives the business an extra advantages over its competitors. Another achievement of H Azeem is that it achieved a steady and stable positive growth within two years of business. This reflects the level of commitment and entrepreneurial skills of the management of H Azeem, the designer Hinna Azeem herself. H Azeem has been mention ed up in journals such a Vogue and has even displayed jewelry at the International Jewelry London 2012. This again shows how popular is this brand and how much is it loved by people. . Choice Of Organization We may come across many definitions of small business, some may relate it by the number of employees other may related it by how operations are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cris Isaak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cris Isaak - Essay Example After three albums that didn't sell, his career was going nowhere fast. Then a movie gave new life to his single, "Wicked Game," and suddenly he was on his way to the big time. Welcome to the club. Bruce Springsteen was calling for tickets. So was Madonna. And Sean Penn. And Sylvester Stallone. And Laura Dern. And Rickie Lee Jones. And Mickey Rourke. And some of the cast from Twin Peaks. They all wanted to see one of the most compelling rock & roll acts to hit the Top Ten in years: Chris Isaak. ``Bruce called about tickets?'' says Isaak, every inch the Fifties-style rocker in his tight black jeans, pointed shoes, white T-shirt and brown leather motorcycle jacket, as he looks up from his plate of noodles at a cheap Thai restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. In a few hours he will headline a sold-out show at the Wiltern Theater, in Hollywood. Adopting the voice of a rube, Isaak, who grew up in Stockton, California, drawls: ``They gonna give 'em free tickets? They git in for free?'' He's grinning now. ``Come on, Bruce,'' he says. ``You sittin' on a big ol' pile uh loot. Git up off it!'' ... Fingering a wooden tiki head that hangs around his neck for good luck, he says: Five years from now, it could be like Oh, man, him Plays a guitar. Everybody else has got keyboards, he's still got guitars.' Or in ten years: Oh, those guys still actually try to sing. It's boring. They sing.' You never know.'' Isaak adjusts a pair of wraparound shades that look like something Jean-Paul Belmondo wore in the Jean-Luc Godard classic Breathless. As if he were quoting from some official music-business rule book, he says, Usually, right after you make it, you can count about seven years until people go, How totally square.' '' The ship has sailed,'' one Warner Bros. executive told Isaak's manager-producer, Erik Jacobsen, in the summer of 1989. The ship has already sailed.'' The meaning of those words couldn't have been clearer. Heart Shaped World, Isaak's third album, was dead; the company had no interest in spending another dime promoting it. Jacobsen contends there was never much enthusiasm at Warners for Heart Shaped World. Executives from the company had flown up to San Francisco to hear it that spring. Not a favorable word was spoken,'' he says about the awkward playback session. It was just the most deadly reaction that I have ever seen to anything in my life. As for getting it on the radio, all they said was Tough, very tough, extremely tough.' '' For Isaak, those were dark days. Although he was loved by the media when his debut album, Silvertone, was released in 1985, his songs didn't get on the radio and his videos never made it onto MTV in any kind of meaningful rotation. No less an authority on authentic American rock & roll than John Fogerty described Isaak as being like a skyscraper against the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Electrolytes disorders, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, and Research Paper

Electrolytes disorders, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, and hpyernatremia, and how they effect our body system - Research Paper Example But any changes in the ECF can have an indirect impact on the composition of intracellular fluid. Electrolyte can be defined as substances that acquire an electrical charge when dissolved in water (Mehtheny 2000). Majority of the body electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium chloride and bicarbonate. Each of these electrolytes exhibit different chemical properties. Some of these electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and calcium attain positive charge whereas the latter two electrolytes have a negative charge on them. This is crucial in identifying their properties and calculating anion gaps discussed later. Each of these electrolytes has their unique functions and any changes in their normal concentration in the body fluids can have a significant effect on the functions of different organs of the body. There is some difference in the concentration of different electrolytes in ECF and ICF. The major electrolytes present in the ECF include sodium and chloride. ICF on the other side has potassium as its major electrolyte. Hyperkalemia: Hyperkalemia is a state where plasma concentration of potassium ions exceeds the normal upper limit of 5.0 mmol/L. As mentioned earlier potassium is a major cation of the intra cellular fluid. The normal range of extracellular concentration of potassium is about 3.5-5.0 mmol/L whereas the intracellular concentration may rise upto150mmol/L (Braunwald et al 2008). Potassium is mostly contained within the cells so that it does not have any effect on the outside fluids. But any pathological conditions whereby cell destruction causes the leakage of potassium ions into the ECF may cause hyperkalemia (Schrier 2003). This phenomenon is known as cellular redistribution. Disease conditions such as rhabdomyolysis, trauma and hypothermia are few examples that compromise the ability of the cell to withhold potassium within its membranes. Other causes of hyperkalemia include drug induced hyperkalemia and renal failure. Succinylcholine and Thalidomide are more common drugs that are known to cause hyperkalemia. Decrease renal excretion of potassium as a result of renal failure is also known to raise the potassium levels in the blood. Excess dietary intake of potassium is rarely a cause for hyperkalemia due to body’s adaptive mechanism known as potassium adaptation whereby excess is efficiently excreted by the kidneys and other mechanisms. This increase in the potassium levels clinically manifest in the excitable tissues. Therefore, paresthesias and muscular fasciculation of both limbs are the earlier manifestation of hyperkalemia. It is due to increase duration of polarization as a result of excessive potassium ions partially depolarizing the cell membranes. Heart is arguably the most important organ affected by the disturbance in potassium concentration. Cardiac toxicity of potassium can be evident on the ECG in the form of elevated or peaked T wave (Schrier 2003). Other important impact of hyperkalemia is on the kidneys where it inhibits the reabsorption of NH4+ contributing to metabolic acidosis which further exacerbates hyperkalemia by redistributing the potassium ions out of the cells (Braunwald 2008). Hypercalcemia: Calcium is an important electrolyte that is required in many signaling pathways of neurons. It is also an important constituent of bones and is essential for their strength. There are many other crucial roles that are played by calcium so it is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Coffee Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coffee - Case Study Example The quantity of output that is likely to be produced in a cartel depends on the strength and stability of the cartel. For instance, if the cartel decides to act as a monopoly then it has absolute authority over all its members. The following graph shows the output and price in case of a cartel arrangement (Dwivedi, 2009). The summation of individual marginal cost curves provides the marginal cost curve for the industry as a whole and the intersection of the marginal revenue and cost curves determines the equilibrium level of output and price. Once the industry has been determined then the individual firms ascertains their own level of output by matching their own marginal cost curves to the profit-maximizing level. Cartels have been banned in a number of developed countries like the U.S.A. on account of the negative impacts it has on the consumers (Marshall and Marx, 2012). In many cases it has been observed that the cartel members hide prices, charge unreasonable price and artificially constrict output and all of these reduces the welfare of the consumer. Consumers can also lose confidence in the business as cartels have been largely associated with the negative sentiments. In most of the cases the business enterprises which are not a part of the cartel are often eliminated from the business and this in turn affects the overall effectiveness of the economy as a whole. Formation of cartels has been associated with the reduction of the innovation and economic efficiency. Governments and economists of various countries thinks that cartels are ineffective because unproductive members take refuge to the cartels and are not bothered to improve their performance (Grossman, 2004). It has also been fo und that cartel members often discourage the entry of new entrants into the market and this in turn restricts the chances of economic growth and job prospects for many. In many cases the cartels have been held responsible

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Initial Personal Development Plan Essay Example for Free

Initial Personal Development Plan Essay Study skills. During my GCSEs I wasn’t sure what I wanted out of life. I chose to study French, Graphics and History. I enjoyed French the most and did quite well in it, however if I had concentrated more I could’ve done a lot better. I was also working in my dads’ cafà ©. I enjoyed working at the cafà © a lot. It was hard at times to manage my time between School, working at the cafà ©, going to football practice and also making time to do homework and revision. In class I enjoyed myself a lot and got my work done fast so went on to do extra question or ‘bonus questions’. When I was in the classroom environment I felt more confidant in my work as I had the teacher to double check if I had any doubts but because I didn’t go over my work at home I feel it put me really behind .However having to juggle school, work, football and revision was very stressful and I didn’t do well as well I would have liked which put education in a negative light for me. I did consider at one point to stop my education after leaving school while I was at school because I didn’t believe I would be able to handle the pressure, however I knew that education is a very big part of my life and my family’s life as everyone has been to university in my family so I felt I had to go to college and further my education. Through this time my teachers were very helpful, I found it hard to ask for at first but when I did seek advice it was definitely the right choice. It made it clearer what I wanted in the long term and helped boost my confidence a bit in my work. After school had finished, in the summer I worked full time in my dads’ cafà © and learned a lot of new skills. I worked at the front of the shop. This made me in charge of taking orders, making sure the customers were happy, making sure the chef understood what the customer wanted, deal with complaints and come up with a fair solution. I got to experience what it’s like to run a business first hand, I got experience in taking stock, ordering stock, deliveries, cash handling, making targets, pushing sales, customer service and sorting the rotas out. This was my first time having a proper full time job, it was hard at times as at the beginning it a new environment and I wasn’t used to it, however I soon realised that one of my strengths is that I can adapt to new environments rather fast which has helped me in other jobs. While at college I studied Psychology, Sociology and English language/literature. I preferred psychology to my other subjects as I find behaviour very interesting and the cause behind it. Studying at college was a completely new environment, I didn’t have the same pressure as I did at school from my teachers, but however I had more pressure on me to get my work done on my done. I got a part time job as sales assistant in a mens shirt shop. The job was a one person shift job, so it was all up to me to make sales, attending to all the customers, making sure the shop was in a selling state. I soon moved from being just a sales assistant to supervisor which gave me more responsibility, I opened and closed the shop, cash handling, did the banking, ordering stock, sorting the delivery and sorting the rota. Again working and studying was quite stressful, but as I was enjoying my courses at college I did not find it as stressful as I did at school. I had more freedom and also more time so I was able to manage my time a lot better without the pressure. When it comes to my strengths and weaknesses, I sometimes feel my strengths can by my weaknesses. I have a strong sense of empathy which makes it a lot easier for me to get along for with different people and be able to communicate with them on their level. Also being able to speak more than one language has helped too, I speak English, Kurdish, Arabic and a bit of Swedish. Having a strong sense of empathy can be a weakness as I can be too pleasant towards people and can be a push over, but I can stand my ground if need be. I am very strong about my morals and I know where to draw a line between what’s right and wrong. I believe one of my biggest strengths is my will power. I’m very driven when it comes to my work, when I’m in a selling environment I’m very comfortable. Sometimes I am too driven and I can ignore things on the side. Being a very goal oriented person I sometimes forget to enjoy myself and spend too much time achieving my goals. Coming for the middle east a region that is very rich in oil and gas, I am inspired to work in the field. Not very many people from my part of the world work in managing our local resources, I wish to be able to work managing oil and gas and ensure all members of society benefit from the riches of the industry. One of my life’s dreams is to open an orphanage and educate the less fortunate. I firmly believe that an education is the only way to eradicate the social ills affecting my region. I am a firm believer in the fact that education is the cure for all evils. I hope by educating myself as a women from a region where education is not very common I hope to able to stand on my own two feet so as to be able to help others better themselves.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Benefits of School Sports Programs: A Survey

Benefits of School Sports Programs: A Survey Memo of Transmittal   Subject: Need for more athletic events in school Problem: Selkirk College is a respectable school in the Kootenays region. This school has many branches such as Castlegar, Nelson, Trail etc. In this school, many international students are studying now such as from India, China, Japan and many other countries. They face many problems here like accommodation and work mainly due to which some students feel homesick too. They feel alone and stressed from studies and all the assignment work. In our school, hardly one or two cultural events and other athletics event occurs. Students who are from sports background love games very much, so they miss these types of events here. No doubt, the college always organizes many types of events like Intercultural Festival and small gaming competition, but these are not as big and organised as required and also they are held seldomnly. Solution: Our school management can make a decision about this. Physical activities can be added to the school curriculum without any academic disturbances and also can offer physical, emotional and social benefits. At every weekend friendly sports events should be held in our gymnasium. We should not force the students to take part in those events. In every semester, there should be one big Sports Event at college and an Annual function should be arranged for students. In these events different kinds of matches like Cricket, Basketball and Badminton should be organised and cultural dances, dramas and many more such things should be held. There should be prizes for top 3 students of classes for appreciation for their hard work. Conclusion: Schoolbased sports activities can bring out positive reactions and behaviors in students.   An annual function could encourage students to study more when they see their friends getting awards for their hard work. So the management should look after this issue and should take effective steps regarding this. I would thanks to Parmider Singh and Sarabjit Singh for their cooperation. Table of Contents (Jump to) List of Illustrations Executive Summary Introduction Discussion Sections Conclusions  and Recommendations   References List of Illustrations Graph 1: Students from different countries and their interest Figure 1: An example of intercultural events Executive Summary To summarize, I would like to say that we have less extra curriculum activities in our school which are really important for the overall growth of mind and health of students. We should start Yoga, Basketball, Cricket and many more classes at our campus. These classes may be considered individual or team depending on the kind of sport. I did survey and group discussions with many students in the college to discuss this topic and to know their views about these activities. Almost every student wants to see these kinds of extra curriculum activities to be organised in the college. Once in a semester these kinds of events and matches should be organised within different campuses of the college. So, at the end I hope the management and authorities of our college will also think about this change and they will start these kinds of events in coming days. I really appreciate those students who helped me to represent my views in front of the organization by supporting me. Introduction In this project, I have thrown some light on the issue of organising some extra curriculum activities for students in the college. This is a really important issue for all the students who feel stressed and bored from the studies and also the students who want to show their talent in sports. The college should organise some kinds of sports activities within its different campuses along with some cultural events once in a semester. However, at the end of the semester top 3 students should be awarded. This should be done at a bigger level and students from all courses should be welcomed. Due to this change, students will excel in their overall growth both physically and mentally. Moreover, there are many international students who feel homesick and alone in the college. So they will also be benefited from this. Also, students will be motivated by the watching others getting awards for their hard work. Discussion Sections I did survey regarding sports and other activities in college. In this survey, I asked to answer in between the rating of 0-10. Like if you strongly agree with the opinion then give 10 and so on according to your level of interest. My questions were- Do you miss your functions held in the past? Do you want to see those functions again in Selkirk College? How much is it important to organize functions and sports activities in college? Does it reduce stress level? Can we learn from this kind of activities? Can this kind of activities encourage students to study more and give competition to other students? Is it important for fitness purpose? Is it reducing homesickness up to some extent for international students? Do you think it could be great source of fun in this small town? In results, I got most of the students giving 8-10 for their answers. Moreover, I did group discussion with students from different countries. Firstly, I did with Indian students. They said they are missing those events which they enjoyed in Indian college and they are willing to enjoy those moments here too. When I discussed this matter with Canadian students they said they would love to see this kind of activities being organised in the college.   I just shared my Indian college event experience with them to explain them little bit. All the Chinese, Japanese students are agreeing and excited to see these functions. Because, we all believe through these events we can learn about different cultures and show our talents. Graph 1 Students from different countries and their interest We can see from this bar chart more than 70% of the students are agreeing to organize these functions and sports activities in this college. Fig 1: An example of intercultural events Conclusions After doing the survey with different types of students, we came to the result that more than 70% of the students agreed with our opinion and they also want to see these kinds of events in the college. We also found that the students are lacking in physical fitness which is affecting their overall growth. So, the authorities should take effective steps in this change for the betterment of the students. Recommendations In order to implement these changes the college should start giving free classes and coaching to the students like of Yoga, Cricket, Basketball and many more. The authorities should hire trainers and coaches in the college. Also, the sports department of the college should renovate the playing courts and grounds for the matches. Moreover, the Student Union department should isolate the students and should promote these kinds of events in the college. Intercultural events like Dance, Dramas should be organised at a bigger level in the college. References [1]  http://globalsportsdevelopment.org/benefits-of-school-based-sports/ [2]  http://www.sparkpe.org/blog/10-ideas-to-improve-your-schools-pe-program/ [3]  http://www.google.com [4]  http://yuva.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/yuva/files/YUVA%20Web%20folder/Cultural/2014/Event%20pics/Cultural%20Events.png Policy Analysis Paper: Caregiver Relief Act Policy Analysis Paper: Caregiver Relief Act Austina Burton The North Carolina state legislation I chose is house bill 99, or also senate bill 535. It is titled the Caregiver Relief Act. It was filed on February 13th, in 2013, in the House of Representatives (House, 2013). The primary sponsors in the house are Representative Alma Adams from Guilford County, and Representative Larry Hall from Durham County. Other sponsors in the house include Representatives Cunningham, Farmer-Butterfield, Floyd, Gill, Hamilton, Harrison, Insko, Moore, Pierce, and Wray (House, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act was passed to the senate on March 28th, in 2013. The primary sponsors in the Senate are Senator Earline W. Parmon, who is from Forsyth County, and Senator Angela R. Bryant, who represents Halifax, Nash, Vance, Warren, and Wilson counties. Another sponsor in the North Carolina Senate was former senator Eleanor Kinnaird (Senate, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act has costs, benefits, and stakeholders, and is effective and viable. Issue The Caregiver Relief Act is supposed to address a gap in the Family Medical Leave Act, also known as FMLA. The act would amend the labor laws to provide relief for caregivers in North Carolina (Caregiver, 2013). The purpose is to provide for supports in the workplace, under state law, for caregivers, who provide direct care to certain family members in need of care in those instances, where such leave would not be afforded to the caregivers under federal law. (Caregiver, 2013) The Caregiver Relief Act would extend the protections of the federal Family Medical Leave Act to allow employees to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law.Should an employer offer FMLA benefits, the law already allows for an employee to take 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave (Caregiver, 2013). The general rule the relief act would put into place is: An employer, required to comply with the FMLA, shall provide the same leave to an employee to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law, that the employee is entitled to under the FMLA at 29 U.S.C. sections 2614 and 2615, as amended, with respect to a spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the eligible employee for the eligible employee’s sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law. (Caregiver, 2013) Costs and Benefits The costs of the Caregiver Relief Act would be no different than the costs the Family Medical Leave Act has already implemented. An employee, who takes leave, is entitled to the same protections and rights that an eligible employee is entitled to under the FMLA (Caregiver, 2013). The leave granted under the relief act shall be taken in the same manner, and under the same conditions, and restrictions the use of leave in the FMLA applies. The benefits mostly revolve around the caregivers. According to the Caregiver Relief Act, it has been found that employees, with care responsibilities, add additional health care costs to employers due to their own poor health. It has also been found that caregiving supports in the workplace can save businesses significant money associated with reduced incidences of absenteeism, crisis in care, workday interruptions, supervisory time, and reduced hours (Caregiver, 2013). Stakeholders There were more people, and agencies, supporting the bill than criticizing it. Beth Messersmith, who is the campaign director of NC MomsRising, and co-coordinator of NC Families Care, shows support to the Caregiver Relief Act. The FMLA is a crucial piece of legislation, that has been used an estimated 100 million times to provide job-protected, unpaid leave to women and men across the country to recover from a serious illness, care for a new child, or care for a seriously ill spouse, parent, or child. It’s time to fill the gaps to ensure that all workers can fulfill their family responsibilities without falling out of the workforce. (Media, 2013) The NC Chapters of the National MS (multiple sclerosis) Society recognize that the demands of caregiving are being shared by more and more family members and support the Caregiver Relief Act (Media, 2013).Mary Bethel, who is the associate state director for advocacy for AARP North Carolina, stated, â€Å"Today’s reality is that we are a state of working family caregivers. North Carolina ranks 6th in the nation in the number of children cared for by their grandparents† (Media, 2013). Bethel made a good point about how much this bill is needed. North Carolina’s Senator Kinnaird said, â€Å"The FMLA has had a tremendous impact on the lives of North Carolina’s working families. Without expansion, many are unable to put family first.† She suggests that the FMLA needs to expand its protections, so family leave becomes more accessible (Media, 2013). Rationally Effective The Caregiver Relief Act is effective and feasible. It has been effective in the general assembly, not only because it has a lot of support, but because it is aiming for measurable results, and will achieve a rational outcome, if voted into law. Furthermore, other states, in the United States, have reformed the Family Medical Leave Act in some way. For example, the California Assembly passed their bill, number 592, which changed how employers handled maternity leave. This bill made it unlawful for an employer to interfere with the allotted leave time for woman who were pregnant (California, 2011). Other changes, that states have made, include expanding the definition of family beyond child, spouse and parent, increasing the allowable uses under the FMLA, establishing family leave insurance programs, and lowering the employer threshold (Media, 2013). Politically Viable The Caregiver Relief Act is politically viable. It is viable because it has political support, it is capable of succeeding, and it will work as intended too after it is implemented. First, it has political support from many representative and senators in the North Carolina General Assembly. Second, it has the capability to succeed in the house and the senate, and then, be put into law. The Caregiver Relief Act will succeed in fulfilling its intentions, and will have positive effects on caregivers. They will have more time for their loved ones, and they will have less stress from work related issues. Overall, the Caregiver Relief Act will fulfill its intention, which is to require employers to provide leave to an employee to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law. It will do this by enforcing any right, or obligation, created by the policy, by a civil action (Caregiver, 2013). Social Worker Point of View As a social worker, who operates within the NASW Code of Ethics, I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. I would support it based on the fact that it is needed, and based on two different sections of the Code of Ethics. First, house bill 99 is needed because the elderly population is growing very rapidly. They represented 12.9% of the U.S. population in 2009 (Aging Statistics). According to the Administration on Ageing, by 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons. That is more than twice their number in 2000 (Aging Statistics). In addition, many of them will need caregivers. These caregivers will need some kind of assistance from their employers, so therefore they will not lose their jobs if they need to take extended leave to care for an older person. Based on the NASW Code of Ethics, it is a responsibility of a social worker to uphold the general welfare of society, and this includes advocating for living conditions (Code, 2008). Section 6.01, of the code of ethics, talks about social welfare, and how social workers should advocate for living conditions favorable to the fulfilment of basic human needs. This is one reason why I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. My concern is the welfare of the people that need caregiving. Also, the caregivers need a way to support themselves, while supporting the needs of the older adults they are helping. One place to give them support is in their workplace with the Caregiver Relief Act. Part ‘a’ of section 6.04 of the Code of Ethics, explains that social workers should seek to â€Å"ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs.† It is part of a social workers job to engage in social and political action that would benefit people (Code, 2008). This legislation would benefit caregivers by giving them the resources they need, to stay afloat in the economy, if they are taking care of someone else. Conclusion In conclusion, House Bill 99, in the North Carolina General Assembly, would help mend a gap in the FMLA. It would extend the FMLA to count siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and in-laws as people caregivers can take leave to care for. An employee, who takes leave, is entitled to the same protections and rights that an eligible employee is entitled to under the FMLA. One reason this is needed is because it has been found that caregiving supports in the workplace can save businesses significant money (Caregiver, 2013). Therefore, there are more people, and agencies, supporting the bill than criticizing it. A few are the campaign director of NC MomsRising, the NC Chapters of the National MS Society, and the associate state director for advocacy for AARP North Carolina (Media, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act is effective and feasible. It has been effective in the general assembly, not only because of its support, but because it is aiming for measurable results and will achieve a rational outcome if voted into law. The Caregiver Relief Act is politically viable. It is viable because it has political support, it is capable of succeeding, and it will work as intended too after it is implemented. As a social worker, who operates within the NASW Code of Ethics, I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. Many states have expanded, or improved, the Family and Medical Leave Act already by lowering the employer threshold, expanding the definition of family beyond child, spouse and parent, increasing the allowable uses under the FMLA, and establishing family leave insurance programs. North Carolina lawmakers have taken important steps toward filling the gaps by introducing the Caregiver Relief Act. References Aging Statistics. (n.d.). Aging Statistics. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from http://www.aoa.gov/Aging_Statistics/ Assembly Bill No. 592. (2011). California Legislation. Retrieved March 27, 2014, from http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_0551-0600/ab_592_bill_20111009_chaptered.pdf Caregiver Relief Act. (2013, February 13). General Assembly of North Carolina. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2013/Bills/House/PDF/H99v1.pdf Code of Ethics (English and Spanish). (2008). Code of Ethics (English and Spanish). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from https://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp House Bill 99. (2013.). North Carolina General Assembly. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2013BillID=H99 MEDIA RELEASE: Caregiver Relief Act would help working caregivers hold onto their jobs. (2013, April 1). North Carolina Justice Center. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http://www.ncjustice.org/?q=workers-rights/media-release-caregiver-relief-act-would-help-working-caregivers-hold-their-jobs Senate Bill 535. (2013). North Carolina General Assembly. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2013BillID=S535 Is College Essential For Employment? Is College Essential For Employment? Does college matter? What does college mean? Is college important to teenagers? Should college be essential for people to find a good job? Is everyone able to go to college? When we talk about college, these questions always come up. As a society, people have their own free ideas to plan their lives. A number of students decide to go to college to get a better and higher education, and to improve their wisdom associated with specific areas such as politics. Most of them think getting college degrees will lead them to find a great job, or even improve their personal qualities. On the other hand, some do not want to go to college. They consider that they do not need a college degree, as they think they can live better without four years of college life or they have other reasons to give up college studies. However, college still matters because going to college can increase one’s salary, make people more knowledgeable and also get students some different experiences. There is a hot debate over the value of college in this era of increasing student debt and high unemployment. Some people argue from the perspective of economy that people can live a better life without college degrees. The four years of college costs them much money or even forces them to burden huge debt. However, if they do not pay such a high debt or cost to the four years college life, they can earn much money within the four years. Since their friends or high school classmates graduated from the college, those who do not receive college education probably have had certain social and economic resources. In addition to the economic reasons, some people point that for those students who have supreme talents in specific areas do not necessarily need college degrees. For example, Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft, who dropped from Harvard and sought for his fortune in his twenties. At the beginning, people considered him crazy and irrational, as Harvard is the dream for most of people worldwide. However, Gates proved his choice was reasonable and rational with his amazing success and huge fortune. At this point, many people would claim that having a college degree is not important. Meanwhile, some people may propose that a college degree is not the unique channel to success. However, the success of other people cannot always be copied. In today’s society, the pursuit of college education contributes to the wisdom and great jobs. The richness of knowledge would increase the competitiveness for people in different fields. Receiving college education will cost a lot of money. People have to borrow money or take out educational loans to support their fees. However, based on the â€Å"The Rising Cost of Not Going to College†, it is found that 89% of college-educated Millennial are most likely to be recruited full time, while 82% of their less educated counterparts and less likely to be unemployed or fired. This data indicate that the college degree contributes to getting a good job, although people have to pay the expensive tuition. From the perspective of politics, the college education serves as an important engine for us to identify the difference between demagoguery and responsible arguments from politicians. It also expresses that people are living in a society with bombarded pleading or persuasions everyday such as advertisements, political appeals, and punditry of all kinds (243). All these are designed and established to capture our loyalty, money, and more specifically our vote. The most appropriate way to sustain a functioning democracy should be the wisdom of citizens that can distinguish the differences between demagoguery from responsible arguments. For this, it is quite necessary for us to receive college education, as the associated political issues would be introduced and well understood in college. Currently, most people aspire to get college degrees as a door opener to find great jobs. The survey concerning the rising cost of not going to college indicates that among Millennials, 46% of college graduates are significantly more likely to agree that their college degrees have been good a tool to find a job or a satisfied career than the 31% of their less educated counterparts. For those adults who receive higher education degrees in the college and training to improve their careers. Above the data indicate the advantage of a college education. On the one hand, education can confer the associated degree to the college students. Then, they can take this certificate of academic degree to find good jobs. On the other hand, their rich theoretical knowledge can well direct their practical techniques in the actual business. Compared with the less educated counterparts, people who have received college education will be more acute and more intellectual than their less educated counterpa rts. When I came to college, I met plenty of challenge and new experiences. In UCSB, there are students from all around the world. Most of them speak English but others speak their own languages. I have heard stories from English , Korean and Italian people, and those stories are exciting and wonderful. In addition, I have joined sport clubs that I had never thought about before. I do not like sports but I change my mind because at college, I met some weak people who still do exercise during their leisure time. If I did not go to college, I truly believe that I would have stayed inactive and I could not get those precious experiences. My own experience shows that receiving college education improves personal qualities. That is, college education fosters people’s sense as well as their mind to experiences that would be foreclosed to them. For most college students, the college education enriches their capacities to read mandatory literature works and to catch basic political concepts. Meanwhile, college education contributes to the improvements of alertness to color and form, melody and harmony. In this way, as people gradually grow old, they will feel grateful for the college education they received. It delivers them the capability of appreciation towards our daily lives. Such an education performs as a hedge against utilitarian values. After receiving college education, people’s aspiration for contact with works of arts that somehow register one’s own longings and yet exceed what one is able to express by and for oneself. It also points out that people need â€Å"the inside of your head to b e an interesting place to spend the rest of your life† (244). The benefits of receiving college education would be larger than those who do not pursue a college education. The college education contributes to more employee opportunities. People can enjoy their political rights at their own will without being distracted. Also, college education can equip people with knowledge to compete with others including less educated counterparts. Finally, college education can improve people’s understanding towards life. That is, the attitudes, assumptions and way of thinking towards the life will be well enhanced by knowledge. From the above analysis, college still matters. Cited Page Delbanco, Andrew. â€Å"Three Reasons College Still Matter.† American Now: Short Readings  from Recent Periodicals. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St Martin, 2013. 243-247. Print. â€Å"Disparity among Millennials Ages 25-32 By Education Level in Terms of Annual.† Earning†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Pew Research Centers Social Demographic Trends Projects RSS. Pew Research Center, 1[CW1]0 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Oct. 2014. http://www.pewsocialtr[CW2]ends.org/2014/02/11/ the-rising-cost-of-not-going-to-college/ sdt-higher-education-02-11-2014-0-01/>. [CW1]This page does have a date at the top of the article. [CW2]MLA suggests adding the URL so the reader can find it directly.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Offensive Speech Should be Allowed -- Freedom of Speech

There seems to be an internal desire for freedom within the soul of every man. Men realize that freedom is something basic, and to rob a man of his freedom is to take from him the essential basis of his manhood. The words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoken forty-three years ago, capture the spirit of the American dream. Since its conception, the United States of America has been the universal symbol for freedom and hope. The five most fundamental freedoms cherished by every citizen are granted in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Among them, Americans treasure the right to freedom of speech above all others. Yet, as we stand here in the birth of a new millennium, this right has become endangered. College campuses across the nation are embroiled in a heated debate over what, exactly, constitutes free speech. At the heart of the debate is the issue of hate speech, or speech that "offends, threatens, or insults" a person because of some trait such as gender or race (McMasters). Incidents of hate speech include an international student shouting racial epithets from his dorm room window (Hinds 108), complaints of email harassment (Harmon 115), and fraternity rush T-shirts depicting raci ally insulting caricatures (Frammolino 112). What is the solution to this fundamental conflict? Many people strongly advocate implementing speech codes into campus legal systems in order to control such displays. However, this is an inadequate and superficial response to a much deeper issue. College campuses should not regulate hate speech because such regulations violate our constitutional rights, no practical definition of hate speech exists, and there is no way to enforce punishment. Abridging freedom of speech on college campuses banda... ...t Austin. "Sexual Harassment of Students by Faculty and Staff." Writing the World. Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck MacDonald. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 123-124. U.S. Supreme Court. "Beauharnais v. Illinois." Writing the World. Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck MacDonald. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 128-135. U.S. Supreme Court. "Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire." Writing the World. Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck MacDonald. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 126-128. Virginia Commonwealth University. "Rights and Prohibited Conduct." Writing the World. Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck MacDonald. New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2000. 121-123. Walker, Samuel. "Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy." Writing the World. Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck MacDonald. New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2000. 135-143.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Essay -- Chronicle of a Death Foretold V

Chronicle of a Death Foretold The type of violence portrayed in Chronicle of a Death Foretold is more of an honor killing, in which two innocent young men feel pressured by society to become violent, instead of their own intentions. The standards and expectations of the society and their own mother who summoned them with the problem expected them to take care of the situation and regain their sister's honor. The kind of violence seen in Billy Budd differs in that it is a regulatory measure meant to keep order and obey the rules of a society and an institution. While both acts of violence are not the pure testosterone driven raging acts seen in modern day news broadcasts, they differ in that they also show a background of honest premeditation. Both were committed for very serious, purposeful reasons of which the murderers knew the full weight of their actions and that was exactly what they intended. In both novels, the murder committed took away a good person's life, while to many witnesses and accomp lices there was a shadow of doubt as to the good intentions and reasoning behind these deeds. The misguided intentions began in Marquez's novel witht he arrival and objectives of Bayardo San Roman. He thinks he deserves a "perfect" bride and has come to this small Caribbean town to find her. Based on looks he picks Angela Vicario, without even knowing her or spending time alone he wants to spend his life with her. This kind of egotism and obvious materialism demonstrates that Bayardo wants Angela based on her looks and "pure" reputation that there are "no better-reared daughters" than the Vicario ones (Marquez 31). She personally means nothing to him, and he wants her for all of the wrong reasons. He is able to... ...to happen, regardless of a moralist’s sense of justice and human rights. Their job was to serve Britain in her Navy during the time of Napoleon, regardless of the personal infringements on the liberties of the crew. Those were minor in comparison to the safety of Britain and her King. The sense of regret and shadow of doubt which lingers after each of these murders, Billy Budd’s execution and the murder of Santiago Nasar, indicates injustice of the system and special circumstances. If the Vicario brothers did not live in a time when all felt it was their â€Å"duty† to find Angela’s â€Å"seducer,† then they would not have been compelled to commit the act they did. If Billy Budd was not at sea during a time of serious mutinies and heightened rebellions worldwide, the same atmosphere would have allowed him more justice and time for a complete trial, perhaps on land.

Essay --

Logan Liao Mr. Mervine A British Literature 21 November 2013 Neighborhood, Country, and Global Communities An impoverished man living on the outskirts of a neighborhood park walks through the forest and notices a block party. He thinks to himself, a â€Å"free† lunch. As the man strolls toward the party, he notices many people of all ages eating and talking. When he looks at the food on the table, his eyes’ yearn in hunger. He then comes across a sign reading â€Å"BLOCK PARTY, COMMUNITY ONLY.† Slowly his momentary happiness vanishes because he does not belong to this neighborhood community but part of the city. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word community means a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood). However, according to experts, â€Å"The word community itself changes coming to mean a group of like-minded people sharing common interests, when in the past it referred to a group of people of various skills and interests cooperating with one another in order to survive. Now we find and create communities based on geography, ethnicity, race, religion, class, and even language† (Shea, Scanlan, and Aufses). A community provides support and achieves a goal no matter what the cost. A community is a group of individuals striving to accomplish a common goal together. For example, communities of Buddhists look for enlightenment and inner peace within themselves and their bodies. The word â€Å"community† reminds one of a positive place to grow and develop. A community supports all people who want to learn more and to work together. For instance, community service lets people volunteer and become innovative in their community, in many ways, whether it is running a food drive or cleaning up the par... ... Communities are interacting populations with shared geography or common valued people as they connect mentally, physically or even spiritually. The world needs community because society lacks a family, lacks support. If communities cease to existence, the world would fall from total anarchy with everyone living for him or herself. The state of the earth would not exist if people could not understand they are all in a community. However if everyone knew of communities we would all live in a place with no strife, angry, or violence. There are many different types of communities from school, sports team, neighborhood, or even a family, but most of them seek one common goal or a passion that unites them. They work and endeavor to achieve it. Communities watch everyone’s back like a shepherd tending and watching his sheep. The world we live in is a community.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Cleanliness Can Influence Life of Kazi Zawad Badruddoza

Whereas the cleanliness is relate well to the aspects in our life. There is some reason why cleanliness is important to our life. Cleanliness influences our health, controlling our mood and then keeps the relationship with our friends. The clothes and the pants which we wear must be clean so that no more germs that can affect allergy like irritation. The food and the drink which we consume must be clean from microbes to prevent risk of illness like stomach ache, diarrhoea and many more.Then, the objects around us it should be clean from dust so we not experience the respiration illness. With kept our cleanliness so that our life must be healthy. Another reason we must watch cleanliness because the cleanliness can controlling our mood. Cleanliness makes us feel fresh and comfortable. A clean room makes us feel freshness because all of the objects are clean and free of dust so that the air is fresh. Its floor is clean so there are no bacteria or microbes and we can do the activities wi thout worried about hygiene problem.Cleanliness can be regarded as personal or environmental. These habits ensure that a person would stay fit and healthy for a long time so you will not be force to use those anti aging treatments or some sort of surgery. These habits help us in developing an ideal and healthy life style which makes our lives even more delightful and joyous. Lesser effort would result in more success if a person has healthy mind and a healthy mind can only exist in a healthyCleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his action and manners. He cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But on the cleanliness of body, depend all other cleanings. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Function of Art

Function of Art Art connects people by offering an idea they can relate to. It is important as it helps to improve and learn in areas of communication, expression, and historical understanding. Another reason art is important is its interwoven relationship with culture on the basis that culture is articulated and influenced by art. It is a way to communicate and express ones thoughts and dreams through cinema, dance, literature, music, painting, sculpture, and theater. As a child I grew up in the Bay Area and was introduced to art at a very young age.I was very fortunate to be exposed to several types of art forms from going to the San Francisco ballet, the de Young Museum, the Curran or Orpheum Theater, and San Francisco Symphony. Even though I was introduced to art at a young age I did not come to fully appreciate art until much later in life. From kindergarten to fourth grade I took ballet. From fifth grade thru high school I was involved in music, theatre, and art through differe nt mediums such as painting, clay, and wire. I tend to lean toward art in the form of painting or theatre for inspiration.The artist that stands out is Jackson Pollock, an American painter whose form of painting is referred to as abstract expressionism. Jackson Pollock’s art conveys the mindset of Abstract Expressionism. The painting has a life of its own. Pollock’s paintings are a spirited technique of pouring and dripping paint onto a canvas on the floor. It has been said that Pollock is more at ease working on the floor as he feels closer to his painting literally seeing it from every side becoming one with the painting. Pollock’s painting aborts traditional composition and lacks a fundamental motif.His works stimulates the viewer’s peripheral vision thus one’s eyes are continuously moving. I am fascinated by his work, and can attain creative and inspiration from his paintings. Theatre stimulates creativity in problem solving and challenges perc eptions about the world and about one’s self. It provides an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and dreams and if only for a few moments explore a new role or understand problems faced by figures of literature or historical. Theatre is at the center of is communication.Like any arts theatre allows us to communicate and understand others in new and different ways. In today's increasingly information-centered world theatre provides guidance in the practical characteristics of communication. Participating in theatre made it easy for me to speak in public, be more persuasive both in oral and written communications and able to put myself into someone else’s shoes. It also made me a more positive, confident and discipline. Through theatre I learn to cooperate, work together, contribute, collaborative, listen and accept the viewpoints of others.Theatre is an important tool for preparing one to live and work in a world that is increasingly team-oriented rather than hierarchical. I have researched the subject of art serving a societal purpose. Art bring awareness to humanities by means of presenting truths that cannot be articulated in another way. Art connects a society by offering an idea most can relate to. Philosophies that come from art lead to an enriched society, as long as we take action based on the values seen in art. Art can inspire sympathetic but reveal misconceptions, which are parts of the human experience as related in society.Perception can be a beneficial as one gains a better understanding of their place in society and about society as a whole. If the individual puts this new understanding into practice society will profit. Although I have some background in the arts, I would like to further my learning and discover more areas, such as music, cinema, and dance. I find value in painting as it helps develop insightful meaning and entice creativity in me. Theatre has helped me to develop an understanding for the world and the physical elements within it.Finally, art should be viewed as serving a purpose to society an important aspect that connects people by offering an idea that people can relate to. If the people act upon their artistic ideas society can better Because of this art should not exist solely for its own sake. Art is a drive to communicate an interpretive way, not bound by status quo. It is a sign of evolving society. Art is a way to express inner thoughts and feelings that words cannot. It is an emotional and physical outlet with symbols and meaning for us to interpret. Art is this and more, and its function is to expand communication on higher levels of thinking.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Representation of Women in Action Movies

If a man can fight, he’s a hero. If a woman can fight, she’s a b**ch! Representation of women in action films The film industry never seems to lack action films and there always plenty for the market to choose from however how many of those have women in a leading role? A handful. There aren’t that many films that feature women in lead roles within action films. But the question is why? Why haven’t a majority of these women been given a chance? Are actresses like Uma Thurman and Angelina Jolie one-woman-wonders or have they just been given a lucky break?I’ll be exploring the representation of women in action films through a semiotic analysis. David Gauntlett argues that â€Å"in contemporary society, gender roles are more complex and the media reflects this. The female roles today are often glamorous as well as successful in a way that they were previously not. Much of this is due to the rise of ‘girl power’ in the media, through ident ities constructed by music artists and contemporary actresses, for example, who are demanding less passive roles† which explains how films like Charlie’s Angels have made it to the forefront.Unfortunately, women have repeatedly suffered from a narrow set of representations in the media. They are regularly linked to the domestic situation i. e. housewives, or as sexual objects represented to entertain men. Furthermore, â€Å"the number of roles for leading women is far below that of men. † Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is the film I’ve chosen explore and there several reasons behind this. I’ve chosen this text because it portrays women within dominant roles. Furthermore, the concept behind it breaks the pre-existing norm of women being the sexual object that entertains the male hero/spy.This isn’t the case in this film, they’re heroes fighting crime and saving the day. Not only are they stunning and beautiful but they also poss ess skills that crush and challenge existing stereotypes about women which is exactly why I chose this film. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is an action comedy film that was released on the 27 June 2003. The film was directed by McG and produced on a budget of $120 million. It was the sequel to the 2000’s Charlie’s Angels and it was number one at the box office for its opening weekend and produced a worldwide gross of $259. 2 million. The film was a success.It stars an ensemble cast including Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. It also features notable actors and actresses such as Demi Moore, Shia LaBeouf and Matt LeBlanc. Diaz, Barrymore and Liu or the â€Å"Angels†, are three extremely talented, strong, sexy women who work as private investigators for unseen millionaire named Charlie. Prior to this film, they had starred in more passive roles in the romantic comedy genre. In most action films, â€Å"men were more likely to be adventurous, activ e and vicarious, whereas women were more frequently shown as weak, ineffectual, victimised, supportive, laughable or ‘merely token females† (Gunter, 1995).A film such as this allowed their fans to view them in a more dominant, powerful light. This immediately challenges the pre-existing stereotype of women because they are illustrated as superior to their male counterpart. The angels are independent women who aren’t tied down or held back by men. On-the-other-hand, the fact that they work for a male, wealthy character who controls their every move is ironic because in reality, many women are in similar situations and living in a patriarchal society. The opening scene of the film is a brilliant example of the female representation shown throughout the plot.It’s set in a filthy, hostile bar in the Himalayas in Mongolia. The bar is packed with lots of men drinking and jeering. The use of an establishing long shot works well to familiarise the audience with the initial setting and atmosphere. I believe the director did this in order to show the contrast between all of the men and the Angels. A dolly shot is used to track two men carrying a box so the audience become intrigued to learn the contents as they descend into the basement. To the surprise of the audience, Alex Munday (Lucy Liu) was inside the box; contortioned and tucked away.A high angle shot is used and the camera tilts in order to display the actresses’ flexibility. As she rises out of the box the camera zooms into a close up of Liu as she does a symbolic swipe of her long, dark hair; an iconic move for any female superpower. She’s dressed in a black leather ensemble which connotes mystery and obscurity. Perhaps out of the three angels, Liu is the dark horse. As she stands against the wall, a medium shot is used cleverly because not only can we see Liu against the wall but we can also see the hostage and his capturers in the room behind the actress.The connotatio n is accurate as she then saves the hostage by taking out the guards with some impressive combat. Her character is almost portrayed to be a female equivalent to Jet Li; she appears to be unstoppable and fierce. As she drags the hostage up the stairs, the lighting changes dramatically. The basement was very dark and low-key lighting was used which made the action stealthy and hostile. Whereas, the lighting used in the bar is high-key; very bright and there are few shadows.This is symbolic because it’s as if Alex has taken the hostage from hell (dark, unpleasant) and to heaven (bright, hope) which is essentially the purpose of an angel both contexts. Meanwhile upstairs, the atmosphere is volatile as a new character emerges dressed in a red, sleek kimono. Her costume connotes love, passion and warmth however in this scenario it connotes danger, sin and aggression. This is the 2nd angel; Dylan Saunders. The camera tilts over her shoulder and shows the male opponent smirking at he r and then it pans around the table to eventually show her face.As she throws back a shot of alcohol, she comes across as the bad angel, the bad girl of the trio. The use of red with Dylan in this scene is symbolic because it displays a wide contrast between her and Alex. She’s more masculine in her body language but the director has tried to mask this behind the sexy outfit and red lipstick. As she walks away she clasps one of the guards by the waist, grabs his keys and tucks them away subtly. The focus then turns to the doors of the bar and the audience anticipates the worst. As the doors fling open, a medium shot shows a tanned, petite and blonde angelic woman.This is the third and final angel, Natalie Cook. She’s dressed in a white, fluffy coat and a revealing white mini skirt. This connotes purity, happiness and honesty which would be fitting for a normal angel. However, Natalie is no ordinary angel. As she stands at the door, she looks lost and dazed and a close- up of her face supports this further. As the men stare at her beauty in awe, she jeers at them and they erupt with excitement. The men are so amazed they form a guard of honour for Natalie as she walks over to the mechanical bull.Whereas, when Dylan wanted to move through the men they simply didn’t move and didn’t even know she was there. The use of white dumbs the men and amplifies Natalie’s angelic nature. Furthermore, her body language also plays a part in stunning the men. She giggles excessively and winks at a few of the men. Also, Diaz flicks her pigtails every two seconds and is also chewing gum. She hardly challenges the existing stereotype of blonde women but adds fuel to the fire. This is supported further by the fact that her skirt is so short, the audience can see clearly underneath it.Perhaps Natalie is the ‘bimbo’ of the group. The director has clearly added to the stereotype of blonde’s being stupid through Natalie’s cha racter however this could be challenged throughout the plot. I believe this opening scene and in fact the entire plot supports Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory. It states that â€Å"media texts are created through the eyes of a heterosexual male and that women are viewed for the pleasure of men. † (Smith, 2009) She also claimed that â€Å"women are turned into sex objects through how they are shot in the media (Cinematography). (Smith, 2009) Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle demonstrates this. The plot should challenge the norm and allow women to break free however the body language and costumes used throughout diverges the male audience from the plot and to the women being sexualised. In a review by the BBC, Nev Pierce argued â€Å"some call it girl power, others demeaning. † Furthermore, â€Å"When female protagonists, for example, have to function as law enforcers and confront criminal behaviour – both associated with male authority and action – gendered conflict inevitably follows. † (Hall, 1997, p. 364)However, this film could mislead women into thinking they have to become successful and independent by wearing tight, revealing clothes and caking up their faces with make-up but of course this isn’t true. â€Å"It really makes me more and more angry. The aim is to rake in money, loads of money and people try to do that by all means of all these things – sex, beautiful people, wealth and you always have people who fall for it. † (Ang, 1997, p. 347) This opening scene shows three very different women with different talents however what they all have in common is their characters have been onstructed to appeal to different types of men but collectively appeal to all men. Although this action film had 3 women in lead roles, it failed to truly challenge the existing stereotypes of women having to be objects and requiring sex appeal to become successful. In reality, â€Å"a woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day, which is an exclusively masculine society, with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view. † References Websites Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle blog (non-official) http://c-angels. blogspot. co. uk/ Pierce, Nev. (2003). BBC film review. http://www. bbc. co. uk/films/2003/06/27/charlies_angels_full_throttle_2003_review. shtml Smith, Mr (2009). Representation Theory – http://www. slideshare. net/fleckneymike/representation-theory-2458490 Smcmediastudies, (2011). The Representation of Women in the Media http://www. slideshare. net/smcmediastudies/the-representation-of-women-in-the-media Books Ang, Ien. (2006). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, in association with Sage. Ang, I. (1985) Watching Dallas: soap opera and the melodramatic imagination, New York, Methuen. Ibsen, Henrik (1917). Ibsen’s Workshop.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Elderly Drivers Informational Essay

Informational Essay Currently there is an extremely important issue that the public should understand more about due to its enormous impact on many citizens. This issue pertains to the safety concern surrounding the elderly while operating a motor vehicle past the age of 70 years old. This debate whether old people should be allowed to drive is often brought up by younger drivers, the reality is that all able bodied people who are physically and mentally healthy should be able to drive but as we grow older it is inevitable that our health will decrease.There are many different arguments on this subject and seems to be a widely spoken debate amongst road users regarding each of their opinions on the possible changes to be made addressing this concern. We can examine the argument by first generally summarizing each side of the argument and their position with supporting evidence of each sides common claims. One of the most common claims made by advocates for the elderly drivers are as following even though the initial licensing procedures vary greatly in the United States.However, those who tend to favor the allowance of elderly citizens to drive on their own, likely believe it is an insult to senior citizens ability to drive and do not support the newly suggested regulations in order for any citizen over the age of 70 to be considered for their license renewal. Most states generally allow license renewal if there are no suspensions on the driver’s license and may require appearing in person. Aside from the general requirements previously stated there are two aspects of the license renewal process that seem to vary substantially among states.Which are the length of time between renewals as well as some additional requirements that may possibly be imposed on older motor vehicle operators. Such legal requirements currently exist in 28 states as well as the District of Columbia who, specifically states that an applicant shall not be required to retake the wri tten exam or road test based solely on advanced age. This regulation is imperative in exemplifying current licensing laws in the other states and their positions held regarding this matter. Some of the more southern states even allow certain privileges or rewards for elderly drivers.For instance, in both Oklahoma and Tennessee, the license renewal fees are reduced for drivers that are 60 years of age or older. Tennessee in particular also permits current drivers past the age of 65 and over to retain a driver’s license which will be indefinitely valid without an expiration date. The laws created by these states contribute to the increase in older drivers and supports their rights. The ability to drive represents a freedom and independence from relying on anyone else, and allows us to feel self-sufficient and capable.It is the belief of many that older drivers should be allowed to drive without any verification of his/her competency and that the elderly should be able to operat e a vehicle independently at their own discretion on the road and renew their driver’s license, without first screening for safety requirements. A survey conducted on www. surveycentral. org, showed a 76. 5% majority of those surveyed in a research study voted that older people should be able to drive if they can pass a driving test.The parties who wish to not enforce further driving laws pertaining to elderly people also believe that a loss of mobility to an elderly person tends to diminish their sense of independence and self-confidence leaving them feeling stranded or alone and ultimately leads to a decrease in the overall quality of life. The author Liisa Hakamies-Blomqvist in her essay â€Å"Older Road Users† supports this position with statistical evidence and research when she reports the following statement: â€Å"Older drivers do not have a higher accident risk than others.They do however have a higher risk of being injured or killed in accidents because of w ith their age there is increasing physical frailty†( Hakamies-Blomqvist, 1997). The license renewal of the elder drivers may pose a problem among older citizens who will soon be approaching this age of evaluation, that are not likely to be cohesive with this proposal for various reasons. The fact that they are soon approaching this period in their life as they are getting older, and certain rights are undoubtedly being taken away from them with mandatory evaluations/examinations can be seen as a human rights issues.However, the main concern held in this matter lies in the safety and well-being of all vehicles including passengers and drivers. According to a recent study by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, based on data from 1999-2004 displays statistics to support the claim that laws should be enforced and can be seen in the following surprising fatality rates for drivers: â€Å"Which begin to climb after age 65, and from age s 75 to 84, the rate of about three deaths per 100 million miles driven is equal to the death rate of teenage drivers.Even worse for drivers 85 and older, the fatality rate skyrockets to nearly four times higher than that for teens† (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2004). Various statistics show similar results when comparing fatalities and crash rates involving elderly drivers and is a concern for many people. This concern is exemplified by the following statement by Barbara Harsha, executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association. It's a huge problem, and we really don't have any solutions to it yet,† â€Å"We need to keep moving on it and try to find solutions as quickly as possible†(Harsha, 2004). This is a continuing problem and will only increase in severity as the boom of newly aged senior citizens grows rapidly, and will inevitably be driving on the road with us. This seems like an issue we should be addressing as citizens, however we have n’t been able to come up with any compromise or solution to resolve this problem as of yet.As far as seeing a visible improvement in statistics from any changes made in this effort seem that the only measure scientifically proven to lower the rate of fatal motor vehicle accidents involving elderly drivers is to require the seniors to appear at motor vehicle departments in person to renew their licenses. Research demonstrates that senior citizens who drive are involved in more fatal car accidents than any other driving age group. However, while senior drivers do pose a risk, losing the right to drive may also possibly lead to isolation or depression.Even though many states have implemented various restrictions on senior drivers in an attempt to fix the problem, there have been no successful results overall regarding this issue and so far all attempts seem to be inadequate to fully address the issue and resolve this situation. Therefore, the current challenge that seems to be f acing the community regarding transportation safety is how to provide the elderly with the easy mobility that they are used to having, while at the same time focusing on safety as a main priority.